Articles in this category Fee, Payment Terms, and Subscription Renewal For Hunterpedia Subscription Renewal: Subscriptions to Hunterpedia renew automatically at the end of each pay period, whether monthly or annually. Participants will be charged using the initial payment method provide... How do I cancel my membership? We'll certainly miss you if you go, but if you must, just submit a quick ticket letting us know that you'd like to cancel and we'll get you taken care of. Be sure to factor in approximately 48 hours ... I accidentally purchased the same product twice It tickles us happy that you're so excited to become a Deed Hunter that you've purchased it twice! It's an easy fix, just submit a quick support ticket letting us know that it happened and we can do o... How Do I Change My Payment Method? It's quick and easy to update the card on file for an upcoming subscription payment. Just submit a ticket letting us know you’d like to update the card on file. Once your ticket is served you will the... How do I get my deposit back? If you purchased a tax deed during the Challenge, submit your testimonial and receive your money back or discounts on other products. You can complete the process here: https://portal.thedeedhunterwor...